I might later when I get a chance, but that tweet doesn't sound like he got a persecution complex, after all he's got the FBI on his ass.
Just did and what I read didn't sound all the convincing just seem like hype to me.
i have been rereading a lot about rutherford lately; about his personality and the kind of person he was.
i have come to the conclusion that he was a lot like donald trump.. he was an accused womanizer.. he was a narcissist with a self inflated ego.
he claimed to be persecuted by the media all the time.
I might later when I get a chance, but that tweet doesn't sound like he got a persecution complex, after all he's got the FBI on his ass.
Just did and what I read didn't sound all the convincing just seem like hype to me.
i have been rereading a lot about rutherford lately; about his personality and the kind of person he was.
i have come to the conclusion that he was a lot like donald trump.. he was an accused womanizer.. he was a narcissist with a self inflated ego.
he claimed to be persecuted by the media all the time.
JP, does Donald have a persecution complex? What makes you think Trump has persecution complex?
i have been rereading a lot about rutherford lately; about his personality and the kind of person he was.
i have come to the conclusion that he was a lot like donald trump.. he was an accused womanizer.. he was a narcissist with a self inflated ego.
he claimed to be persecuted by the media all the time.
I don't see too much similarity between the two, other than they are human and subject to the same temptations as most men and they did some of the same things that many men do or as Nietzsche would say: "Human All Too Human".
Donald doesn't drink as far as I know, anyway I think he was best person for the job when we consider the other alternative Hilary.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5] https://youtu.be/g08tw2v3b4s.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5] https://youtu.be/rpceb5v0vbe.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5] https://youtu.be/2xa08ukc_6i.
I think contributions are seriously drying up but the Governing Body doesn't want anybody to know, because they fear once word gets out about how badly they have dropped even more will stop giving and start searching the internet to find out why.
I'm beginning to think many are just going to meeting and not giving because they know it is all bull shit but they don't want to get disfellowship and lose all their friend so they go to meeting put on an act but don't give any contribution to their slave masters. I bet the call for a pledge really back fired on them as did rounding/robbing the congregation bank accounts.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5] https://youtu.be/g08tw2v3b4s.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5] https://youtu.be/rpceb5v0vbe.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5] https://youtu.be/2xa08ukc_6i.
I think the WT is careful not to imply their members are not giving generously. I feel very strongly that contributions have dropped way down and they have nose dived. Especially since they started their pledge drive things must have been going down and when they robbed the congregation's on hand bank account back in 2014 or 15 things must have gotten really bad, and they had to halt all building project and basically abandon them.
So if they have 1.2 billion yearly spending they are going to be drastically cutting overhead cost big time to keep from going under.
With all these public lawsuits involving the Watchtower contributions are going to plummet, nobody will want to give them any money when they see and hear about all the Kingdom Halls going up for sale to pay Child Molestation lawsuits.
I think we will hear about whole congregations fighting the WT to keep it from going for sale. I'm sure the last money grab ruffled the feathers of quite a few elders, they may have serveral Bohnam Tx type situation brewing.
seems like such an obviously correct decision to overturn the previous overreach - it should never have been necessary to go to the supreme court but happened because the rights of the religious were being ignored.. as the fundamental level, no one should be able to compel you to work for them or to provide services that go against your beliefs, and certainly not have the government be able to force you to comply.. if this was allowed there would be so many unreconcilable situations that would clog up courts over nonsense.. i also have little patience for these activists that intentionally look to be offended.
it really doesn't do their cause any good to go round looking to make trouble for people.
it's also misguided because it ends up strengthening religious rights over effectively stupid issues.. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/04/us/politics/supreme-court-sides-with-baker-who-turned-away-gay-couple.html.
Wow this is a popular topic that grew so quick. I really think this type of dialog very healthy as everyone tries to express their opinion's and moral point of view.
I'm for people to be free to do as they please as long as they don't hurt anybody, this person should be free to not bake a cake for who ever he likes or dislikes. The person that forced the issue in court doesn't have a legal leg to stand on nobody should be forced to serve any customer if he feels strongly about a certain subject and refuses service. This is supposed to be a free country at least that's the claim, so why would any court force this to become an issue.
i know a lot of people might not want anything to do with any religion and i can sympathize, the bible an ancient collection of books compiled by the catholic church authorities and the some what restricted version by protestant movement we have the less voluminous of collected "holy" books call the king james.
which i think we have a lot to learn from them if we look at them from a more psychological point of view and not force them to be literally understood.. i think it is the same with these sutras, what is it telling us about the mind?
what can we expect from certain meditative practices.
leaked: whq treasuers office meeting 2018 [part 1 of 6] https://youtu.be/z17b4_qgpto.
in this leaked 6-part video meeting, mark sanderson leads an insightful look into how the treasurers office and accounts staff operate.
cmc = cash management center - of which there are 3. the cost-saving game is afoot!these clips are unedited, so feel free to add comments..
I'm sorry but that Mark Sanders is in some kind of fairy land if you ask me by the way he opens up this thing. I seriously think the brains of all the Governing Body have been turned to mush they will never get out of this crisis no matter how many hail mary plays they make. They is riding high on gallons of "I'm faithful and very discreet slave" juice to ever make logical financial decisions based on all the screwed up shit they have in print. Losers all of them!
leaked: whq treasuers office meeting 2018 [part 1 of 6] https://youtu.be/z17b4_qgpto.
in this leaked 6-part video meeting, mark sanderson leads an insightful look into how the treasurers office and accounts staff operate.
cmc = cash management center - of which there are 3. the cost-saving game is afoot!these clips are unedited, so feel free to add comments..
Wow just 1/2 of #1 and 1 minute of #2 and I had to stop they all sound like the bible has an answer for every thing we do lets imitate Jesus and Jehovah crapolla . What the fuck kind of accounting are they even talking about with a,, Jehovah this and,,, Jesus that, I think Mark S. needs come on back down to earth and get out of I got to be a great teacher to these simpletons mode and say something real accountant like not listen to the great teacher's sermon on the mount about love and kindness and bla bla bla.
These guys on the Governing Body are a bunch of sorry ass delusional nut cases the way they look at life and go about handling financial problems with in their jurisdiction as CEOs of the corporation.
seems like such an obviously correct decision to overturn the previous overreach - it should never have been necessary to go to the supreme court but happened because the rights of the religious were being ignored.. as the fundamental level, no one should be able to compel you to work for them or to provide services that go against your beliefs, and certainly not have the government be able to force you to comply.. if this was allowed there would be so many unreconcilable situations that would clog up courts over nonsense.. i also have little patience for these activists that intentionally look to be offended.
it really doesn't do their cause any good to go round looking to make trouble for people.
it's also misguided because it ends up strengthening religious rights over effectively stupid issues.. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/04/us/politics/supreme-court-sides-with-baker-who-turned-away-gay-couple.html.
Some people have been programed from a small infant that same sex unions are bad and that they must never be gay(sad but true) and so it would be against their conscience to make them a cake, why force the issue upon such people when you can get a cake at plenty of other places.
Every business has the right to refuse services to anyone they choose. No court is going to force service for such a ridiculous thing as baking a cake it's no life and death matter a little insulting yes but why make a mountain out a mole hill.